Anyone for Strawberry Cheesecake?

pierres-strawberry-cheesecake-premium-productsCheesecake. Like ice cream, you can’t help but smile when someone mentions it.

It’s a dessert so delicious and popular, it has been around since ancient times. Perhaps you’re partial to a favorite cheesecake recipe. We invite you try ours …

Pierre’s Strawberry Cheesecake Premium Ice Cream features Cheesecake ice cream mixed with cinnamony pie crust pieces and a strawberry swirl. Like the delicious dessert of its inspiration, it can be enjoyed any way you wish. Two scoops atop an ice cream cone, perhaps ? Or how about in a dish with a spoonful, or two, of fresh berries or crumbled granola?

Strawberry Cheesecake is one of three new Pierre’s Premium Ice Cream flavors we created for this summer, along with Campfire Toasted S’mores and Sundae at the Museum.

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